Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Robert Pattinson Calls 'Breaking Dawn' Sex Talk 'Weird'

'You can kind of say anything,' he laughs to MTV News at L.A. premiere.By Eric Ditzian, with reporting by Josh Horowitz Robert Pattinson Photo: Frazer Harrison/ Getty Images It ain't cool to show up early to your own party. Robert Pattinson took his time Monday night (November 14) arriving at the RPattz Super Terrific Happy Hour — otherwise known as the black-carpet premiere of "Breaking Dawn - Part 1." The wolf pack and the Forks students had come and gone. Ashley Greene, Kellan Lutz and Peter Facinelli were likely settled into their seats, popcorn in hand. Little Mackenzie Foy had already bounded inside. But the party didn't truly begin until around 6:30 p.m. PT, when Pattinson sauntered onto the scene and the assembled crowd — including the hordes that had been camped out in Tent City for days — erupted into screams so high-pitched you'd have thought they'd been bitten by a vampire. Perhaps they had. And they couldn't get enough. By the time Rob made his way to MTV News' live-stream platform, he couldn't quite believe real life had not in fact gone flying out the window and a surreal fantasy had enveloped him instead. "It's like an alternate reality," he said of the premiere. "My everyday life is so boring, and then you go to these things and everyone thinks something cool is happening." Check out hot photos of Robert Pattinson on the Red Carpet! It is, dude. For a while. Pattinson's press tour has been going on for weeks now, with the 25-year-old skipping across the globe and stopping to chat with MTV News on a number of occasions. Wherever he goes, though, the talk always seems to turn to one topic: sex. Specifically, the honeymoon boom-boom that Pattinson's Edward Cullen shares with Kristen Stewart's Bella Swan. "It is kind of disgusting," he laughed. "It's weird. I feel like I'm going a little bit crazy. You can kind of say anything. It's like sex and death." One thing Pattinson hasn't discussed — and one thing he jokingly admitted on the carpet — is that though "Breaking Dawn" ended up rated PG-13, he is quite sure the harder, bloodier version would have made for a better flick. "Oh yeah, completely. Definitely," he said of an R-rated "Breaking Dawn." "It'd be way better." Stick with MTV News as we roll out even more from our "Breaking Dawn" premiere live stream! Check out everything we've got on "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1." For young Hollywood news, fashion and "Twilight" updates around the clock, visit HollywoodCrush.MTV.com. Related Videos Live From The 'Twilight: Breaking Dawn - Part 1' Red Carpet MTV Rough Cut: 'Breaking Dawn - Part 1' MTV First: 'Breaking Dawn' Related Photos 'Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1' Premiere Twilighters Set Up Camp For 'Breaking Dawn' Premiere

Robert Pattinson Calls 'Breaking Dawn' Sex Talk 'Weird' video

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