Whoever said 'Models can't act' need to seriously have a look at Anushka Sharma's filmography. In her very first film, Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi, she was pitted opposite the biggest superstar Shah Rukh Khan and yet stood out with a spirited performance as the lovable Taani. Since then she has only grown in confidence with films like Badmaash Company, Patiala House and of course Band Baaja Baaraat. In the midst of a crazy schedule at her second home Yash Raj Studios, the gorgeous and supremely talented Anushka Sharma meets up with Bollywood Hungama's Nikhil Ramsubramaniam and gets chatting on her new film Ladies v/s Ricky Bahl, her co-star of two films Ranveer Singh and also sheds some light on the whole media frenzy over her drastic weight loss. Read on⦠With Ladies v/s Ricky Bahl, you have pretty much the same team which worked together on Band Baaja Baaraat. Did that make working on this a lot easier? I wouldn't say pretty much the same team; it's exactly the same team except for the addition of 3 new girls (Aditi Sharma, Dipannita Sharma and Parineeti Chopra). Yes, the comfort level was much more this time as we all knew each other really well. At the same time, it's a challenge for us as a team to meet the expectations of people especially after a hugely successful and loved film like Band Baaja Baaraat. I play the character of Ishika Desai. She is a girl from Mumbai who is very street-smart and intelligent. She is a sales-girl by profession and can sell anything to anyone and in small and innocent ways she cons people. Tell us a bit about your character in the film? I play the character of Ishika Desai. She is a girl from Mumbai who is very street-smart and intelligent. She is a sales-girl by profession and can sell anything to anyone and in small and innocent ways, she cons people. How she comes across this con-man called Ricky Bahl (Ranveer Singh) who in many ways is a perfect opponent for her forms the crux of the story. You are working again with Ranveer Singh after Band Baaja Baaraat? How was the experience this time around? Ranveer and I have very different styles of working. Earlier we couldn't really understand each other that well so we did have a lot of arguments but now after working in two films, we kind of understand each other really well. This film is a big challenge for Ranveer as he is playing four different characters. He has definitely come a long way since Band Baaja Baaraat. He was fabulous in that film but this film gives him more scope to perform as an actor. The comfort level is far more this time In all your films so far you have been the solo female lead. In Ladies v/s Ricky Bahl, you are sharing screen space with 3 other actresses. Was that a matter of concern at any point of time? No yaarâ¦I pick up films based on the script and my role. If I have a kick-ass script and character, I don't care about anything else. All of us have been cast rightly in the film. In fact Dipannita, Aditi, and Parineeti are all perfectly cast for their respective parts. They are crucial to Ladies v/s Ricky Bahl. Having said that, I have full confidence in my ability as an actor and hence don't worry about whom I am sharing screen space with. I am doing a film with Katrina Kaif who is one of the biggest superstars in the country right now, but as long as I am sure about the script and my role I have no insecurities. 4 out of your 5 films have been with Yash Raj. Must be a homecoming for you yet again with Ladies v/s Ricky Bahl⦠The experience with Yash Raj Films keeps getting better. If Yash Raj hadn't chosen me for Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi, I wouldn't have been where I am today. There will always be that gratitude for them. They treat their artists with a lot of respect and love and it's always a pleasure working with such an ethical and professional production house. You know Maneesh since your Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi days. How do you think he has evolved as a filmmaker? Maneesh was an AD on Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi. He announced himself in a big way with Band Baaja Baaraat and I honestly feel he is one of the best directors we have in the country. He maybe just one film old but the maturity he has shown is simply amazing. Maneesh always adds special nuances and elevates the script. He understands his characters so well and is absolutely immersed and passionate in his work. Coming to the music of the film, you seem to be having a blast playing cricket, doing the lezhim and dancing like there's no tomorrow in 'Jazba'. Is that your favourite track in the film? Yeahâ¦my favourite tracks are 'Jazba' and 'Thug Le'. I had such a blast shooting for 'Jazba'. It's my first ever solo song so I was doubly excited. Besides the song captures the spirit of the city of Mumbai like never before, be it kids playing cricket, or the local trains or the traditional folk dance (lezhim). I am originally from Bangalore and the city of Mumbai has given me so much that it felt nice to pay a small homage to the spirit of the city in the form of this song. The beats of the song are very catchy and we actually had the famous Nasik Dholwalas playing the Dhol. I also had a very nostalgic time shooting at CST station as one of my first shots ever for Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi was also taken at the same station. So yes 'Jazba' is a special track in more ways than one and I am glad that people are liking it. In each of your films so far, your styling has been quite unique. Tell us a bit about your look and styling in this film Aki Narula has done my styling in this film. We've worked earlier together in Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi where he styled me in a completely different look. He keeps joking with me by saying, "I am impressed how far Taaniji has come" and we keep laughing about it. Styling is something which is important for me, not purely for fashion but to make the character I play look believable. The clothes I am wearing in this film are very casual, a bit bohemian too like the ones you see in the flea markets of Goa. The tops that I am wearing are Lucknowi kurtas which are cut and there is a lot of mix-n-match that you will see in my look in this film. I think Aki has done a fabulous job. The clothes I am wearing in this film are very casual, a bit bohemian too like the ones you see in the flea markets of Goa. Recently there were stories in a certain newspaper which spoke about how you have drastically lost a lot of weight and have almost become anorexic. How do you react to such stories? I was myself shocked when I read the story. The picture was taken at a certain angle because of which my head looked bigger while the rest of the body looked smaller. It's the most unflattering angle to take a picture and before you knew it, the reporter who filed the story had already made his own conclusion that I have become anorexic. I don't think people even understand what Anorexia is. It's a serious mental condition, you are mentally sick if you are anorexic which is why your throw-up time and again. I am very comfortable with the way I look, I have great skin, nice hair and a very good body so there is no reason whatsoever for me to be upset about my body. I love myself and can't succumb to things like these ever. I don't think people even understand what Anorexia is. It's a serious mental condition, you are mentally sick if you are anorexic which is why your throw-up time and again. Finally what are your forthcoming films after Ladies v/s Ricky Bahl? My next film is Vishal Bhardwaj's Matru Ki Bijlee Ka Mandola which is a dark comedy and I am paired opposite Imran Khan for the first time. Matru is the name of Imran's character, Bijlee is my character name and Mandola is the character played by Pankaj Kapur who happens to be my father. Besides, Mandola is also the name of the small town where the film is set. The film is about the relationship between these 3 main characters set against a political backdrop and has a tone of black comedy to it. I start with the look-tests, script reading workshops etc. after the release of Ladies v/s Ricky Bahl and we start shooting towards the end of December. Post that I have Yashji's film with Shah Rukh and Katrina. I have a lot of respect for Yashji and he is without doubt one of the all-time greatest filmmakers in this country and to be a part of his directorial venture is a great honour for me.
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