'The best thing about that job was the amazing group of actors I got to know,' Renner tells MTV News of 'Avengers.'By Terri Schwartz
Jeremy Renner in "Avengers"
Photo: Marvel
What did Joss Whedon do to the poor cast of The Avengers to make them withhold every tiny bit of information about the upcoming Marvel superhero flick? He must have one member of each of their families holed up in a barn somewhere to keep the cast members so quiet about the film. In light of whatever threats or penalties of death he placed upon them, at least one star of the film wasn't willing to give too much of the plot away.
MTV News caught up with Jeremy Renner recently while he was promoting "Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol," and he was quick to clam up when "The Avengers" was mentioned. His character Clint Barton, who goes by the alias Hawkeye, is one of the few Avengers who doesn't have any superpowers. When asked what Hawkeye brings to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier table, he wasn't able to tease too much.
"A bow and arrow. He's good with it," Renner deadpanned. "I can't give you anything on that one."
When asked to elaborate, Renner said he couldn't give any more information. "You know I can't talk about any of that stuff. Yeah, I play Hawkeye. He's got a bow and arrow and he's a badass. That's about all I can say," the actor said.
But that doesn't mean Renner isn't afraid to look into the future. While Thor, Captain America, Iron Man and the Hulk all got their moments to shine in stand-alone movies, Hawkeye had to rely on one tiny cameo in "Thor" to introduce him to audiences. So will there ever be a Hawkeye spin-off movie?
"I don't know. I think, yeah, there's a possibility for anything,"
Renner said. "Who's to say? I don't have a crystal ball. I'm not a soothsayer. But I was happy to be a part of that project. A great cast. That was the best thing about that job was the amazing group of actors I got to know."
Check out everything we've got on "The Avengers."
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